
Kids At Midnight, “Turn It Off”

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Melbourne-based producer Kids At Midnight – or Jane Elizabeth Hanley, as she is known in the non-music world – is continuing in the same vein as her enormously successful debut EP in March with a single that is sure to move you to your core. Check out the premiere for “Turn It Off” right now.

The song has a late 80s feel to it, bringing in the deep, resounding bass that makes us feel like we could be moving our hips to a slow one in a club or wondering at the beauty of nature. Her voice is no less than stunningly gorgeous as the reverb hits and she sings of the pain associated with not being able to turn off her emotions from a past life and a past love. It’s a tale we’re all familiar with, although it may never have been spoken so well until now.

The Survivors EP is available now. Keep up with Kids At Midnight here.