Magic & Naked

Swiss band Magic & Naked just released their album Human Expression via the imprints of Le Pop Club Records/Echo Orange. Delivering good on the patiently awaited answer to their 2015 Casbah Records self-titled (recorded by The Pussywarmers), the group blend about European airs of gentile pop that takes to the senses the way drying old wood from houses smells like in the sunset’s last splash of warmth.
Presenting a debut stateside look at Magic & Naked’s video for “In the Morning” sunrise dawning inspirations initiate a mystic quest in a palace. Filmed/edited by Damon Hocking & Louis Lingjaerde, fancy effects from Olly Street, coloring by Stine Tøndelstrand, titling by Vicente O’Neill & starring Anna Simonetti; an exquisite adventure into the anachronisms of yesterday’s wild tales with a taste of adventure that finds relics of the past connecting to the consciousness fabrics of the present day. Simonetti awakes to the day by exploring undergrounds & the rest of the exotic mansion by way of a lit candelabra,. The path of discovery leads directly to a look box where Simonetti finds what looks like home movies of the band goofing around with swords & pistols to throwing snow balls back & forth at one another outside. The visual effects offer a time-blur-barrier, suggesting that possibly Magic & Naked had existed in another previous era. From here, Anna stoically becomes inspired by what has been seen, boldly venturing out to the vast wilderness that is covered in breathtaking panorama blankets of snow. A morning spent taking in an old castle sets the stage for sentimental & delightfully mystical search that is sound-tracked by Magic & Naked as seen in the following visual for “In the Morning”:
Magic & Naked provided the following behind-the-scenes look at the making of the video:
This video was made by our UK friends Damon and Louis, who freshly graduated from a film school. They had a listen to the new record and they told us they were up to make a video for us. We really didn’t know what they had in mind but we gave them carte blanche. The shooting was set to happen in a 17th century castle belonging to Louis’s family with our friend Anna from Ticino in the role of Madame Bovary. During the shooting we still had no idea about the script, we just sat around and smoked weed in the kitchen the whole damn time. Sometimes Damon and Louis needed us for some shots but we were just fooling around most of the time. So we left the castle with no idea of what the video would look like and with very little memories due to the amount of booze and weed consumed to pass time. In the end, it turned out pretty well and we’re happy to have this video to help us remember what the castle was like.
Magic & Naked’s new album Human Expression is available now via Le Pop Club Records/Echo Orange.