
Barbarian’s Andrew Mills with the rainbow laser eyes; press photo courtesy of the artist.
From Barbarian’s own opus Night Blooms released through their imprint Beach Creature Records, we give you a first look at the Cory Ring and Blake Raynor of Kakalak Collective Productions video starring Sophie Stephens for “Last Call Withdrawal” followed by an interview with band leader Andrew Mills. Shot on location in the Imperial Valley Desert & the Salton Sea; Andrew & Sophie with her styling green hair take on the rustic fringe-folk Americana communes & surroundings that inspire a full on care-free spirit between the two. Taking you on a trip deep through the desert expanses of the southwest, Andrew from Barbarian delivered us this video with a solemn tribute for both the visual component & their previous full-length Night Blooms with the following words in memoriam:
I would like to dedicate the album and video to Jon Greene Barbarian’s longtime producer/engineer and bassist who recently passed away Saturday November 5, 2016.
A visual that was initially intended for another project turned into the official narrative for Barbarian’s beloved single “Last Call Withdrawal” that tackles the fear that lies inside the hearts of bar flies & lonely hearted souls with larger than life dreams & visions. The reiterations centered around the chorus’s title call tackle all the various accouterments & comforts of everything that make someone never want to leave the sanctity & safety of their own room. And yet the video shows Andrew helping Sophie out when her car breaks down on the side of the highway that initiates a whimsical adventure that the duo embark upon to the tune of the Barbarian “Last Call” anthem. Andrew & Sophie quickly become partners in crime enjoying scratchers, PBR, running around junkyards, bales of hay, popping balloons, checking out cattle ranches, popping balloons, crashing mom & pop diners & seizing every moment while roaming free & wild at heart. Join us now for our recent conversation with Andrew Mills.
It’s been a few years, tell us what’s new & fascinating in the world of Andrew Mills & Barbarian.
We’re powering on into the new year, a couple of side projects within the band and I am scoring my first film so that has been fun and challenging.
Describe working with Cory Ring and Blake Raynor of Kakalak Collective Productions shooting in the Imperial Valley Desert/Salton Sea with model Sophie Stephens.
I also work in the TV/Film industry in camera and production so the three of us are currently producing videos and building our portfolio. This video was originally meant for another band but it worked so well with “Last Call Withdrawal” that I hijacked it back. Their label was jerking us around anyways and we were basically doing it for free so I don’t feel bad [laughs].

Barbarian’s own Andrew Mills live; press photo courtesy of the artist.
How do you feel this video furthers the feeling & vibe of “Last Call Withdrawal”?
The song is basically about the sad lonely last bastard at the bar you are trying to get rid of as a bartender trying to get home. My character is the mean bastard that finds light in the lovely Sophie Stephens that drags his miserable ass around to find beauty even in a desolate meth hole like the Salton Sea, around where I grew up.

Barbarian in the mix; courtesy of the band.
What sorts of follow up to Night Blooms have you been working on?
We have two new that should be ready to release early 2017, they just need to be mixed and mastered. I think it’s the best work we have done to date and really excited to get a release date soon.
Holiday hopes & plans?
Eat, drink and be very merry…and challenge Krampus to a drunken death match.

Barbarian opening for the Arctic Monkeys at SDSU; photo courtesy of the band.
Other things you’re into right now in terms of music, movies, books, etc?
Currently reading Chuck Klosterman (always great for some twisted pop culture commentary) Joan Didion for an amazing no holds bar glimpse into LA and the desert in the 60’s. The Neon Demon, The Lobster and The Green Room were my favorite movies this year; plenty of violence, great writing and beautiful shooting. I’m really digging the 80’s soundtrack music comeback S U R V I V E, John Carpenter albums, Chromatics. The new Nick Cave and Leonard Cohen are amazing.
2017 battle plan?
Our brother, bass player, engineer, producer and best friend Jon Greene recently passed away so we are taking it one day at a time right now. He was such an amazing person that produced so many great records for bands like Crocodiles, Mrs. Magician, The Soft Pack, Plateaus, Las Robertas and many many many more. There will always be a huge hole in the heart of San Diego and music in general. He recorded our last two songs and I want to get them mixed and a proper release in his honor.
Barbarian’s Night Blooms is available now.