Recently formed LA based duo Umm have a way of making love sound exactly the way it feels in the summer– hazy, sticky, and most importantly, confusing. Their latest single, “I’m In Love” is a laid back look at that naggy emotion we just can’t shake. Made up of real life couple Stef Drootin and Chris Senseney, Umm induces images of the Lisbon sisters laying in their bedroom, sending symbolic songs to the neighborhood boys. “I’m In Love” is young, but simultaneously makes us yearn for old loves, even the high school ones.
Drootin and Senseney’s talents fuse together to create effortless jangle-rock, sifted through a lo-fi filter. Umm’s debut full length will certainly leave us speechless, resorting to pauses and yes, a few “ums”.
Umm took some time to answer a few questions for us in anticipation of Double Worshipper.
What was the first song or album you remember listening to, and who introduced it to you?
Stef: The first album I listened to in its entirety was Cyndi Lauper’s She’s So Unusual. I don’t think anyone specific introduced it to me. Probably the radio.
Does that song or album have any bearing on your sound now?
Stef: Maybe not in an obvious way but I’m sure it does! I still have it on heavy rotation.
Was there a defining moment when you realized you wanted to pursue music in your life?
Stef: I went to a DIY show when I was 14 and decided that night I was going to start a band .
What inspired your recent single “I’m In Love”?
Chris: Honestly I’m never sure where the ideas come from. That particular song I was sitting around with a guitar and the first verse and the chorus were just kind of there. I guess the song ended up being about the weird push pull and shifting identities of relationships or something?
We always wonder… did it start with the lyrics or the instrumentals?
Chris: Both! Usually the initial germ of the song is a lyric and a chord progression.
Double Worshipper is such a clever name for your debut album. Where did it come from?
Chris: We were sitting next to each other recording our vocals, and someone asked if we wanted to double our vox. Then one of us said something about double worship and we started calling it that.
Do you guys have a favorite track from the album?
Stef: Is it okay to say that I really love them all?
Chris: Oh, that’s hard! I guess it changes all the time. Honestly I really like these songs, which is not always the case after a record’s done.
What are you most excited about with its release?
Chris: I’m just excited to set it free, and to play shows. These songs are really fun to play live.
How do you imagine people enjoying your music?
Stef: Hmmm. I think of it as a summery album and I live in the swimming pool during the summer so how about hanging out in an 80 degree pool with a beer or other cool beverage in their hand.
Chris: That or spaced out in a darkened room using the music to block out the laughter from the pool party outside
Who’s your favorite super villain and why?
Chris: Well, Satan has the best music.
What would be on your ultimate rider list?
Chris: Hmm, whisky, bread pudding, La Croix.
Stef: Lots of gluten free products (I’m intolerant)
What’s up next, kids?
Chris: Make another record, play some shows, repeat forever.
Double Worshipper is out July 28th via Majestic Litter, and you can preorder it here.