

Post Author: , Nisennenmondai

Nisennenmondai has become one of my favorite bands. The all-girl Japanese noise-pop trio first struck me at CMJ four years ago, yet due to language barriers and the fact they live half way around the world, communication–let alone getting the chance to see them perform again–has been nearly impossible. So we thought, since they won’t come to us, why don’t we go to them?

We didn’t literally go to them (yet), but we did ask Sayaka Himeno (drums), Yuri Zaikawa (bass) and Masako Takada (guitar) to give us a tour of their hometown of Tokyo using our favorite medium: disposable cameras. We were super excited when they obliged and are even more excited to be able to share this very personal look into their homes and their city.

Nisennenmondai’s third record and second release outside of Japan–Destination Tokyo–is available now for worldwide consumption on the venerable Norwegian label Smalltown Supersound.

Nisennenmondai, “Destination Tokyo”

Sayaka Himeno, Yuri Zaikawa and Masako Takada give us a tour of their hometown of Tokyo using our favorite medium: disposable cameras.