As most of our loyal followers will know, Brooklyn’s illustrious Half Waif released a new EP at the beginning of the month. At IMPOSE, we have had our fair share of playing it on repeat over the last couple of weeks. The six track work, titled form/a, introduces itself with the 80s inspired “Severed Logic”, a song which we recently wrote about because of its notable sound. Second track “Wave” continues with more of a party vibe accompanying its introspective demeanor. It introduces a dark – almost villainous – beat that then unfolds into a glittering cacophony of sound, accompanied by Nandi Rose Plunkett’s ethereal vocals as she sings lines like “I want to leave this world behind / But the men are all at war.” And while it takes 38 seconds before we hear vocals over the serene, “foggy” backtrack, “Magic Trick” is a standout track if not only for its simple, beautiful composition.
“Frost Burn” throws the listener into a vintage digital sound initially, the swirling sound effects making you feel like you’re about to embark on a journey with Super Mario Bros. In this case, the piano adds an elegant touch to a much more layered and boisterous track. Fifth track “Night Heat” takes place at a glacial clip, and seems to focus much more on sound effects, bass drops, and instrumental progression than its predecessors. The sound is more rotund, a lot more tribal, as Plunkett’s vocals reach a wide range of octaves, at times reminiscent of Imogen Heap. She beautifully rounds out form/a with “Cerulean”, addressing weathering the “storms” that any relationship bends and breaks through. Its bass line is stand out, making this one of the most memorable and intrinsically heartfelt songs we have ever heard.
form/a is available now.