
Premiere: Lost Animal, “Lose the Baby”

Sometimes the best thing for a music video to do is to let the song speak for itself. With this video for "Lose the Baby", a new contribution from Australia's Lost Animal, the lyrics themselves are so potent that the visuals serve the song well to tread lightly. Jarrod Quarrell and Shags Chamberlain pace around in lowlights and spotlights and under color filters as Quarrell sings to the camera. The storytelling quality of the song feels remotely Springsteen-esque with a dark, unhinged edge. The camera moves around shakily, zooming in and out of the band's focus, so it's not for the easily dizzied; but the element that resonates heaviest is in the shots of Quarrell's mouth and teeth as he lets loose lines like, "I'm going to sharpen up my tongue / and really cut you up." It makes the viewer focus with a greater sincerity on his lyrical intent than most videos ask for.

Lost Animal's debut record, Ex Tropical, which was partially inspired by Quarrell's youth in Papua New Guinea, is out now and available through Hardly Art.