
Black Marble whore themselves out

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Black Marble at 285 Kent

It's only appropriate that Black Marble's debut EP “Weight Against The Door” came out on vinyl today. After all, Valentine's Day is a day to share the love. Only problem is these two dudes have been spreading more love than… actually, I can't finish this sentence without sounding sexist or racist. Anyway, point is, they've been releasing a lot of free stuff into the blogosphere, and it's high-time you start paying attention.

First came the lead single “Pretender”.

Then they released this homemade video for the track (quick! name the movie):

And if that's not enough, home-witch Pictureplane twisted some nobs and remixed the same tune:

Black Marble, “Pretender” (Pictureplane remix)

Then again, we've been on the tip since the beginning, so we suggest you down a couple of Penicillin and get on board.