
Eternal Tapestry collaborate with Sun Araw

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Portland's Eternal Tapestry and Cameron Stallones of Sun Araw have had a deep psychedelic friendship since January of 2007; now, for the first time, they're set to release a recorded collaboration. Out July 19 via Thrill Jockey, Night Gallery was recorded during SXSW 2010 at a live broadcast in-studio session on KVRX student radio. It was improvised in its entireity “after a brief discussion of mood” and will be released as it was played, with no overdubs. One can only imagine what that discussion sounded like, but, considering that the title is a homage to a surrealistic early 70's TV show produced by Rod Serling that the musicians listened to as they fell asleep in Texas, it's bound to be darkly oneiric and otherworldly.

Night Gallery Tracklist
01 Night Gallery I
02 Night Gallery II
03 Night Gallery III
04 Night Gallery IV