Party of One, Streetside Surprise

Post Author: Meredith Schneider

It has been quite some time since Eric Fifteen’s Party of One has made new material. But the project – comprised of Eric Fifteen (vocals, guitar, keyboard), Joe Holland (bass), Monet Wong (guitar, vocals), and Matthew Wayne Kyle (drums, keyboard) – has resurfaced after 11 years stagnate and has been teasing us with bits and pieces of the new album Streetside Surprise. Good news is, we’ve got the exclusive premiere stream right now.
One thing is for certain: Party of One does not want for unique song names. That is, perhaps, one of the most charming aspects to fans of their work. This 13 track album comes at you with quirky, endearing sounds from the first notes of “Desolate Goldmine”, through the unexpectedly mellow composition of “Crash! Kerblam! Kaboom”, all the way to the last adrenaline-fueled chords of “Green MoJoe One-Five!”
What do you think of the new release?

Streetside Surprise is available here.