
Shadow Band, “Eagle Unseen”

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“Eagle Unseen” and “Moonshine” share a charming, western-tinge. Shadow Band, then, are a set of subtly psychedelic travelers, in the dark corner of your favorite saloon. But songwriter Mike Bruno is from New Jersey—and a former staple of New Brunswick’s ‘freak scene.’ Oops.

In Bruno’s early years, he attracted a rotation of cast members under the moniker of Black Magic Family Band (love it). Only after his move to Philadelphia did Shadow Band finds its roots and solidify a steady lineup. Taking in some influence from former noise/garage rock, some find they “ride in a cloud of smoke.”


“Eagle Unseen” is an earworm during and after, and I just could not shake the western vibe, even in the face of psychedelia. Drawn back vocals and a powerful acoustic presence set the scene for a quick, 2 and 1/2 minute performance.

“Moonshine” is a continuation of that same presence of mind, in a truthful, shadowy mist. Lyrically more interesting, too, you discover “Moonshine” to be a romantic journey.

Neither track particularly blows your mind, but it goes without dispute that Shadow Band nails their narrative and owns their western influences here. My takeaway is that Shadow Band is a talented group of misfits that may have something interesting up their sleeve come 2017.


These superheroes of sonic alchemy were recently signed to Mexican Summer, to which we offer a congratulations! Genuinely well-deserved. You can support Shadow Band on their Bandcamp page, and keep up with their news on Facebook and Twitter.