Communist Daughter’s Week in Pop

It is our pleasure & privilege to present the following guest selections from Communist Daughter’s Johnny Solomon:
Everything I have been inspired by lately, almost everything I put in my headphones has been songwriters that happen to be women. I just noticed it, and I wouldn’t have made it a thing, except for this week especially I just want it to not be a thing anymore. These are some songwriters I have been obsessing over…
Waxahatchee, “Angeles”
This song got us through this week, this weird week where I just thought about Molly and my Mom and all the other women out there that deserved better. This version is our everything right now.

Twin Limb, “The Weather”
We saw them three years ago in the back of a tapas bar and I’ve been following along as the rest of the world discovers them.

Angel Olsen, “Shut Up Kiss Me”
I want to be Angel Olsen when I grow up.

Raina Rose, “Swing Wide The Gates”
When Molly and I are home from tour, this is the first song we put on in the morning when we wake up in our own bed.
Jami Lynn, “Fall is a Good Time to Die”
Truer words were never spoken…
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