
Chaos in Tejas 2013

Post Author: , Shaina Bracamontez

From Thursday, May 30th through Sunday, June 2nd, the third annual Chaos in Tejas festival occurred in Austin, TX. We dispatched Austin-based photographer Shaina Bracamontez to cover some of the madness that went down during those four days. She caught sets from Hoax (which involved some blood), Los Crudos, Destruction Unit (if your mic stand falls down, someone will be there to help hold the microphone while you sing), The Men, Criminal Damage, Total Control, Merchandise, Mind Eraser and Infest. The performances took place at a variety of venues such as Cheer Up Charlie's, Red 7 and 1100 Warehouse.

We've got photos from all four days of Chaos in Tejas right here in this set.