
Dope Body, Heavy Times, Nude Sunrise, and the Funs

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Dope Body strayed from Baltimore and hit “The Dustbowl” in Chicago. It was so dark I turned on the video light for the first time in a year. I guess this place is closing soon, too, so I've heard. A shame. Some really great shows have gone down in the spot's short lifespan. I don't know what's happening lately, but I'm convinced some good spots will fill the void left by the legendary Mortville, Ball Hall, and any others that inevitably come and go. We're a resourceful bunch, and always have been. (Not true! It's not closing! May the great shows continue forever long! Sorry about that, Dustbowl.) For the mild weather, this was a particularly stacked weekday show that included Heavy Times, Nude Sunrise, and the Funs.

Heavy Times

Heavy Times played a bunch of stuff they don't normally play. I guess it was so hot our sound recorder straight up shut itself off during their set, which bummed me out. It was a short one that involved a lot of hilarious yelling. A little tense, but what's new? There's usually a guy at their shows who always yells out “Electronic Cigarette!!!!”, which they never play, except for tonight. $10 says dude wasn't there. How long until Heavy Times get inducted into the R.N.R Hall of Fame? Looking forward to that new 7-inch on HoZac.

The Funs

The Funs actually ended closing this one up instead of playing second, which I found funny. Jesse was telling me earlier about how they were bummed to be bumped from first to second because they were getting drunk already. I've seen this band a ton lately and fed off their energy, so naturally, we put our stuff down and crowdsurfed….three times? Still got photos somehow. Shit got pretty gnarly for a weekday. Those two keep getting better and better. A well oiled machine of yelpy fuzz. Philip Funs has a tape comp with killer Chicago shit like Heavy Times and Slushy that you should buy. Enjoy this new song by Dope Body! Coming off fresh with a new LP from Chicago's own Drag City, they got the kids dancing early.They were great. The video's dirty and hazy, just like our memories from this night. Why not order Natural History while you're at it!

Dope Body @ “The Dustbowl” Chicago from GONZO CHICAGO on Vimeo.