Kemialliset Ystavat is the moniker of Finland's Jan Anderzé that's been going strong for 15 years. His latest, Ullakkopalo, is a mesmerizing stream of controlled feedback storms, organic string farms and field recorded forest symphonies hissing and chirping a few acres off, with regular incursions by roving bands of gypsies and shamans throwing their scales and melodic mantras at the mix.
It's a walk-off masterpiece of unhinged sound palette expressionism, and anyone with a passing interest in outer worldly transgression should strap on a third eye and hone in on any one of 14 tracks on this 42 minute excursion, preferably the whole thing.
Kemialliset Ystavat, “Ystävälliset Miekat”
Ullakkopalo is out at the end of August on Fonal Records.