One of those sad posts again…Jeff Winterberg, of '90s San Diego group Antioch Arrow and '00s Brooklyn group Coptic Light, has been diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer. As he undergoes his intense treatments of surgery and chemotherapy (thankfully at least mostly covered by his health insurance), he's not able to work or pay his bills. To help him recoup some of those expenses, his family is running an online fundraiser of the kind we are becoming accustomed to; give a certain amount and you will be rewarded. In this case, the rewards are Jeff's own band photographs, for which he is renowned (his coffee table book, Rat-a-Tat-Tat Birds, is an essential document of '90s DIY tourhounds). I will list the incentives below for you. Please consider a donation to assist this twenty-year scene fixture in his time of need.