
Best New Music of 2014 So Far Part 2

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Audio Player

Last week, we brought you the first quarter of 2014’s best new music, and this week we wrap it up.  Due to technical difficulties at the studio, we didn’t get a chance to actually record this, it went out live only.  This is a recreation without all of the totally awesome sickness-induced, sleep-deprived banter Eric was kicking out live on the air.  This is basically music only, so we’ll keep it fairly basic here as well.

Next week, we have something totally different, we’ve crowd sourced “summer jamz” from the Impose staff so that show will be what everyone (minus Eric) thinks you should be clocking right now.  He can tell you right now you’ll fall in love with much of this.

Household, “Out of Reach”
Leo37, “Getit”
Taulard, “31/12/00”
Death By Icon, “Toothspace”
Tobacco, “Streaker (feat Notrabel)”
Teribal Anamal, “Megavolts”
Jawbreaker Reunion, “Straightedge Revenge”
In School, “Conquest”
Your Old Droog, “Nutty Bars”
Digital Leather, “Lately”
The Hussy, “WWDLD?”
Amanda X, “Parsnip”
Shady Hawkins, “When Yr Gone”
Courtship Ritual, “Kingdom of Beauty”
Melkbelly, “Doomspringa”
Latex, “Social Suicide”
Dark Times, “Be Cool”
Pinkwash, “Mattress”