
BZ. K〒 Drops Yellow EP

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SoundCloud is essentially the of music sharing. Which in a lot of ways puts you in a kind of half-autonomous-semi-jaded limbo where you can’t help yourself listlessly scrolling through song after song waiting for something special to happen. Platforms through which people can independently release music and get public feedback are great , but in this seemingly infinite pool of rappers, producers, samplers, and DJ’s (many of whom stream their material through the site almost exclusively) it can be hard, try as some of us might, to care about whatever’s queued up to play next. Having said all that, it feels like a gift to come up on something that can stick its head up above the rest, rise above the mediocrity allowed by the massive availability of music. On the Yellow EP Seattle producer BZ. K〒(pronounced Bizkit), proves himself to be anything but average.

His Soundcloud only dates back to 10 months ago, but in that short amount of time he’s put out a handful of super memorable tracks and remixes. Yellow EP in a lot of ways is really an embodiment of a new interest among up and coming hip-hop producers and artists in seriously embracing the more atmospheric corners of the tonal spectrum. Much in the vein of a Flying Lotus or XXYYXX, Yellow EP doesn’t limit itself and seems to be of the mind that spacious and more ethereal production not typically associated with hip-hop can still go hard and entertain fans of multiple genres. Perhaps that has something to do it being formatted like a tape or vinyl record , meaning that forces you to listen to the entirety of the idea, not just one song that you like. Being presented with a whole 17 minutes of music to be ingested at once gives the EP an infinite quality. It’s as if Yellow EP could just go on talking forever, which isn’t a bad thing at all. It feels like being read your favorite novel in Ambien; even if you nodd out it was totes worth it and felt pretty awesome right up until you did.

Yellow EP is streaming below!