Week in Pop: Amber Ryann, Proudest Ever, Sedona
Offering something outside of the Olympic & international civic hype, Impose’s Week in Pop presents the latest breaking media exclusives
Offering something outside of the Olympic & international civic hype, Impose’s Week in Pop presents the latest breaking media exclusives
“Bhang,” as in the Hindi slang for weed. Dum Dum Girls' so-called Dee Dee's transition from debut to sophomore Sub
Since they could have come from the same issue of Nova, we wonder which of the two cover girls from
Best tweet of CMJ. Dum Dum Girls wear black tights, distance themselves from Vivian Girls, who haunt their every critical
We really hate to pull one of those “we told you so” sorta deals, but yeah, we did.
Somebody tried to tell me there were no good bands in England anymore – maybe that's because they aren't following
God, you love Dum Dum Girls right now. And that's great, because what we need more of is hybrid buzz