
Premiere: Diarrhea Planet, “Separations (Live)”

Grab a hold of yourself, and check out Diarrhea Planet's live performance of "Separations" from this year's Tomorrow Never Knows Fest last January at Chicago's Lincoln Hall. Taken off DP's recent album, I'm Rich Beyond Your Wildest Dreams from Infinity Cat Recordings, the energy and enthusiasm from these Nashvilles sons are delivered in concert with Made of Chalk's team of Nick Stetina, Rudy Lorejo, and Robert Blackburn.

For those who missed Diarrhea Planet's recent February tour with Those Darlins or TNK fest; then this video is here to give you, us, and all, the heaviest live shredding displays exported from Nashville, Tennessee's garages and dives. Beginning with a blistering barrage of striking chords, the Planeteers bring a universal sense of home on the "separation anxiety" of "Separations". The upbeat anthem to "carry on" further makes the case for I'm Rich Beyond Your Wildest Dreams as one of those desert island albums that should never be too far apart from the listener.

We caught up with Jordan Smith of Diarrhea Planet to talk touring tips, wisdom of the road, with some hints at releases soon to come.

As a group that has been making the touring rounds, what are some of the must have accessories for life on the road?

Obviously, strings are a big deal on the road, you never know when you will break one and you always want to be prepared. It is also good to bring vitamins, teas, and other things like that in order to keep your body healthy. Also, always bring some sort of coat in case you run into chilly weather and a pair of shorts as well in case you end up in blisteringly hot weather.

What are some of the learned tips and wisdom for all touring artists and bands?

Learn how to resolve conflicts easily and quickly. The better you all get along off the stage, the better you will get along on stage. Also, resist the urge to buy snacks at every single gas station you stop at. Those stops can really add up quick.

Craziest DP shows to date?

One that stands out clearly in all of our heads was the Fest 12 in Gainesville, FL this past year. We played at the Florida Theater and it was so packed. We played with a lot of bands that several of us had grown up listening to and it was so surreal being around all of them and hearing that they really like your band.

Favorite things about the proliferation of your hometown scenes in Nashville, TN?

It feels great to see so many talented and great people/friends getting the recognition they deserve. It makes it feel like a big celebration every time everyone gets to hang out.

What's next in store to follow up megalithic album, I'm Rich Beyond Your Wildest Dreams?

We have a new EP in the works as well as a few singles and plans for LP number three!

Diarrhea's Planet's I'm Rich Beyond Your Wildest Dreams is available now from Infinity Cat Recordings.