With his debauched imagination, brooding lyrical content, and frazzled, stream-of-consciousness delivery, Karma Kids MC Duncecap’s sound nestles comfortably in a lane all it’s own. He’s back with another offering in “I Love You, Don’t Die.” The record, which is the second single from his 2016 Human Error project, avidly explores why he’s “grounded but always spacy.”
The Samurai Banana-produced track is intently off-kilter, with a vibrant accordion sample stretched over thumping drum programming. The composition plugs along yet seems on the constant verge of a crash–much like the existence Duncecap rhymes about on the track.
Duncecap manages to simultaneously express introspective nuggets about his discontent and show off his colorful diction, with lines like “stoned, feeling manhandled, frozen to the bone watching time go as sand spills.” His flow unfurls over the track with a melodic mania.
The video feeds off of the track’s paranoia, with scenes of a naked Duncecap in the dark interspliced with plants and a cartoon of a gingerbread man-like figure flowing through a shifting atmos. The track may be the last video, as he’s currently working on a Genuinely Sad Songs EP, the followup to his Generally Sad Songs project.