No one has had this much fun in a while…
“Criminal Cigarettes” is the creation of Saw Black, a songwriter from Richmond, Virginia. Saw Black’s first collection of songs, Azalea Days, will be released on February 10th, via Crystal Pistol Records.
“Criminal Cigarettes” is about what Saw Black may say are… “leafy greens.” Never would’ve guessed it. In this incarnation of the puppet pals, “Criminal Cigarettes” is a hilarious, cartoonish, yet somehow polished, hook filled track. One can only help but appreciate the attention to detail with the construction paper VW bus, the ‘kush’ air freshener…and the pure sense of rebellion at the sight of a puppet pal hotboxing.
Safe to say that Saw Black’s new song was worth the effort of suppressing laughter while at the office..
Azalea Days can be picked up at pretty much every digital storefront, which are all conveniently together at this link.