
Pastel, “The Mirror”

Post Author: Meredith Schneider

Pastel recently released his sophomore EP, Bone-Weary, and he’s been nabbing a lot of attention for his proclivity to address real situations that seem much too taboo to speak of most days. Melancholic to the core, the EP is poetic and raw, the most honest work we have heard in a while. Pastel is bringing those same ideals to the visual interpretation, as his music video for “The Mirror” is now available.

A waving sheet with his likeness on it. Slow, ethereal instrumentals and soulful, exquisite lyrics blend together as he speaks of a difficult time in life over a montage of stills that depict a man in pain. Then, a stop motion aspect to the video and then blank sheets over a gorgeous blue sky. This song is one of questions and struggles, expressing desire to feel comfortable with oneself. It’s a song of empowerment, and the video provides no less.

Bone-Weary is available now.