
Pictureplane, “Hyper Real”

Post Author: Impose Automaton

If real is a feeling and REALiTi is what Grimes sees when she gets up, Hyper Real is a beverage, probably brewed in the same dystopian Willy Wonka soda factory that brought us Four Loko, Red Line, and the QT drink. “Hyper Real” is also a new Pictureplane video, released as part of IHEARTCOMIX‘s IHC 1NFINITY project, which aspires to create a cinematic self-referential Marvel-esque microworld for their artists.

The track is what we’ve come to expect and what we’ve been missing from Pictureplane – sugary, cheerfully evil, immediately catchy rave pop. The video, directed by Jesus Rivera, follows an archetypal pseudocautionary “house party goes terribly wrong” narrative, and generally looks like it was really fun to make.