
Premiere: Young Magic, “Night in the Ocean”

This video is in a series by Into the Woods called “Carsick“. They shoot bands actually playing IN MOVING VEHICLES, which is obviously dangerous and crazy but as long as we don’t hear about it on the news the next day, we’ll let them continue because it looks really fun. For this installment, Young Magic drove on the BQE, which is the most fucked-up highway in America, over the Brooklyn Bridge, in twilight. And they are actually playing: everything is plugged in, and everyone is singing in the car. It’s the ultimate American ideal, right? Traveling the country and singing along in the car, and if you are the one who wrote the song, even more license to wail! But no one said anything romantic about crouching in the back with a bunch of samplers and drum machines…

Young Magic released Melt on Carpark Records this year. If you send them a postcard right now, you can win a special prize pack with the record, a cassette of Maps, they’re past record, a necklace, and a tote.