
Real Emotional Trash – Steven Malkmus & The Jicks

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So what if the title-track is hacked from GBV’s “Shocker in Gloomtown”? If you’ve followed Malkmus over the years, you know that he’s cut from the same cloth that Bob Pollard is; not to mention they’re in a side project together called The Takeovers. While Malkmus’ reference may not have any “helium balloons,” his fourth solo album, third with Portland-based backing band The Jicks, has plenty of classic guitar licks and charmingly clever wordplay that his fans have come to admire over the years.

It’s obvious that his subject matter’s getting a little older as the tin man casually croons, “daddy’s on the run.” And you can’t help enjoy witnessing him turn into a 90s version of a Jackson Browne that you can actually appreciate. It’s also the perfect time to have a song called “Baltimore” on your album, and feature former Sleater-Kinney percussionist Janet Weiss behind the kit. Not enough for ya? Did I mention that when you purchase the vinyl LP, Scott Kannenberg will personally show up at your house and take a shit on your doorstep? Now that’s better then a live DVD!