As they say, some people are just born with it. Such is the case when first encountering Brooklyn-by-way-of-Australia rocker Freya Wilcox who has found a groove with Craig Shay on bass & backing vox, CJ Dunaieff on drums as The Howl.
Wilcox’s gravelly wail overscores unflinching blues-punk stylings as the artist examines a number of tough realities that come from having an addictive personality. All of this done with a head-bop inducing ferocity and appreciation for raw riffs that would make her Aussie forebears (not Drop bears) proud.
The trio’s latest album, Tooth & Nail, is a treat for any rock fan that likes more than a little bit of grit attached to their whip-smart approach to songwriting. Punks from the hardcore to the cow variety will all have something to take away from this one.
“Tooth & Nail has been in the works for a turbulent year and has documented my fall into the despair of active sex and love addiction and subsequent crawl back to baseline,” shares Wilcox. “The record documents a near-lethal trip through divorce, abuse, heartbreak, love, death, growth and above all, survival.”
During its recording there have been hospitalizations, overdoses, lies, breakups, old wounds and new beginnings, and the whole story is told in 9 searing tracks using every ounce of vintage muscle that Sabella Studios could offer.”