Wavves and Best Coast sell out to Target? Calm down.

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wavves easy money twitter

Best Coast and Wavves write Christmas songs together for Target and make a wad of cash and the song sucks and the whole thing is indeed really tacky.

For the record I'm done typing “Nathan Williams.” Dude's name is Wavves.

So, Target. Who cares. Shrug it off folks. What do you expect. Beyond the understanding that no one, under any circumstances, should make a Christmas song. Except:

1. For tons of money.

2. If someone in the band goes by “Run.”

Wavves' lyrical contribution: “You think you're smart / Searching for your gifts in the dark / You think I can't see / You looking under the Christmas tree.” Would it have been better if the good people of Whole Foods sponsored them maybe?*

Are you really pissed off that the line between obscure blog darling to corporate pinhead is thin and that Kids Who Smoke Weed and Don't Care About Politics cross it? It's something else and this is how we know: You barely noticed Crystal Antlers contributed to the same digital series. Crystal Antlers, stoners from Long Beach. Don't tell me it's because their music doesn't suck. That may be valid, but we'd rather assume this is all because you are all Old Desparate Bitches who need someone to talk about and this is who there is to talk about, right now, November 17 2010. Ask Marnie, she'll explain.

Exciting side note: Our CMJ Imposition from last year is on Target's website thanks to the Crystal Antlers press photo:

Seriously, you know you don't really care about C.Antlers selling out even a little bit.

*Those good ol' union busters.