
Tartu, Estonia artist Macajey, oka Jeremy Macachor released the most meditative inclusion to their catalog yet with entrancing EP Notes on a Drum that will elevate your entire consciousness to higher elevations. From the Water EP, Relaxing & so forth; Macajey has made the perfect panacea that the entire world needs right now in order to deal with the collective messes we all seem to be in. This is the antidote to cope with the clamor of live’s daily calamities.
The opener “Sunrise” mimics the process of the sun’s ascension over the eastern horizon that commences the morning awakening with harps, a vast array of beats & sparse hums that set the entire EP on an instinctive path. The experiential aspects of “Midnight River Swim In Estonia” take the listener into the serenity streams of those tributaries with a cinematic type of arrangement makes you feel as if you were in your own adventure quest epic. The result of your down stream sojourn brings you to tribal rhythm greetings enjoyed “By the Lake” where Notes on a Drum arrives full circle to a drum circle blend of hummed melodies & steady percussive pulses encourage the synths to surround like fireflies & other insects that become illuminated by the evening campfire glow.
Macajey’s Jeremy Macachor kindly broke down all three songs featured on Notes on a Drum with the following:
About the EP:
This EP is a collection of three songs that have come about over the last year and a half. I’ve always wanted to make a meditation record, and this is as close as I’ve gotten so far, but maybe this is more of an active meditation since I still use drums and rhythm. So I hope anyone listening will go with the flow and use it as a way to relax your mind.
I wrote this one on the very last day of my 20s. It came out really quickly and it felt very cathartic to make. There’s some Native American vibes in there too, which I’ve always felt a connection too.
“Midnight River Swim in Estonia”:
Living in a small town, with a river running through it where you can swim in the summer time is one of life’s greatest gifts. There is something so special and spiritual of being able to walk 20 minutes out of town and to swim in a river during sunset (which in the peak of summer happens around midnight and only lasts for an hour or so before it begins to rise again). This track is my attempt to recreate the feeling I get from swimming in our river (called Emajõgi, which translates to Mother River).
“By The Lake”:
As I said before this is as close to a meditation EP as I’ve gotten so far. I love the sound of Tibetan singing bowls and the calm they can give. I also happen to love the sound of big African drums. Somehow they came together in this track.
Macajey’s Notes on a Drum EP is available now.