
Exploding In Sound Records unveils 2013//2014 sampler, touring down to SxSW

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exploding in sound

We're not shy about our admiration for Exploding In Sound Records, and their recently released sampler shows exactly why. The label who put out some of 2013's best releases has compiled a 2013//2014 sampler for those who want to dip their feet in, but aren't ready for the full shebang. With tracks from Palehound, Pile (live!), and ovlov, as well as the rest of their esteemed roster, it's a great showing of what EIS has been pumping out for the past red-letter year. Get into it and then buy the records.

Following the sampler release, EIS has compiled all of their band's tour dates in one handy place, and will be trekking down to Austin for three incredible shows, including one with us. Head here for tour dates and see below for their showing at SxSW.