
Secret Mountains, Winter Sessions c20

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Winter Sessions is a new cassette from Baltimore’s Secret Mountains, the result of a weekend up in Brooklyn recording with Brian Pugh at Converse‘s Rubber Tracks studio.

“Make Love Stay” is the centerpiece of the twenty minute tape, and it’s a heavy, dark, and deeply emotive soul-gaze romp. Kelly Laughlin’s vocals remain a powerful force, but here she manages to transcend a more gentle and hypnotic nature. She pulls off a tender delivery without losing her dominance, the latter of which comes in handy towards the end of the track where walls of guitar and sound meet a rage of drums – all compliments of Jeffrey Silverstein, Chris Muccioli, Cory Lawrence and Jake Winstanley.

The band is currently working in the studio with Chris Freeland, who has recorded the likes of Wye Oak, Lower Dens, Oxes and more at his Beat Babies studio. Secret Mountains will release their debut LP later this year, details are TBD.

Download Winter Sessions for free right here, or get it from the band on their tour to SXSW, which kicks off tonight in Baltimore.

March 8 : Baltimore @ Ottobar
March 9 : Charlotesville, VA @ Tea Bazaar
March 10 : Savannah, GA @ Savannah Stopover Festival
March 11 : Gainesville, FL @ The Church of Holy Colors
March 12 : New Orleans, LA @ The Saint
March 13: SXSW – Sweet Team Pumpkin Pie Showcase
March 13 : SXSW – Birddogpromo Showcase
March 14: SXSW – Pau Wau Records Showcase
March 14: SXSW – The Loft (Official showcase)
March 15: SXSW – Portals Showcase
March 15: SXSW – House of Commons
March 15: SXSW – 1408 Concordia