
Healthy or Hungover #3

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Teeny Potatoes for a Texas-sized appetite

Did anyone else go to Austin Psych Fest last weekend and drink enough to put any frat-bro∑ to shame? Because I did. Three bottles of Champagne before 4 pm? No problem. Texas-sized Margaritas on the daily? Duh. Did anyone go to Coachella? Because I defintely didn't. I wanted access to a kitchen so I can make myself the right food when I wake up still drunk. No campfires, MDMA'ed out neo-hippies, mile-long lines for showers, or holograms of Tupac for this girl! Gimme dat good ol fashion hangover food and a REAL toilet, thank you.


(Serves two, so enough for you and whoever you just woke up with – whoops!)

  • 16-20 Tiny Fingerling Potatoes
  • 3 cloves garlic, smashed
  • 1/4 cup chopped White Onion
  • 3 Tablespoons grated Parmesan
  • 2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
  • 1 Teaspoon Paprika
  • 1 Teaspoon Black Pepper
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Salt

Preheat oven to 350ª

Fill a medium sized pot halfway with salted water. When it begins to boil, add your potatoes and leave the heat high for 10 minutes. This require a lot of attention, be sure not to get too sucked into Fbook profile pics of fake bakers! Cuz then your kitchen wil be on fire.

While potatoes are boiling, chop your onion and garlic. Did you know that if you smash your cloves first before chopping them it releases all the flavor? Pretty NEAT. Bad breath is pretty NEAT. Place chopped onion and garlic in a small bowl and mix with your Paprika, Black Pepper, Salt and grated Parmesan.

Totally side note, do y'all remember in that weird movie Dr. Dolittle when Eddie Murphy's daughter is rebellious and like, “Yo Daddy, I'm changing my name!” and he's all “To what?” and she's like “Paprika!” Dude, what a freak.

Drain your potatoes and coat them with the Paprika mixture. Divide in half and fill two Ramekins with your spiced up potatoes. (Oh, you don't have ramekins readily available on your shelf? Ew. It's DEFINITELY time to get some. It makes all of your food look way more organized and impressive. Because who doesn't want to impress their “guests”?)

If you have some extra Parmesan, slice a couple of pieces for garnish to bake on top of the potatoes. Then drizzle a Tablespoon of Olive Oil on top of each.

Place both ramekins on a baking sheet and leave in the oven for 23-25 minutes.

Time to blast your Jimmy Buffet station on Pandora to wake up Other Dude still chillin' in your bed! When making this recipe, I whipped up some tasty Grilled Cheeses to go with my Potatoes. Ain't nothing better than classy hangover food for two in Margaritaville!