
Magik Markers' Ice Skater / Machines 7″

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Magik Markers

Magik Markers were one of our favorite bands circa 2009. After the success of Boss, the group signed to Drag City, released Balf Quarry, and then slowly faded from our rotation as reminders of their existence (i.e, tours, more records) came with less frequency. Coincidentally, the year they return Kim Gordon and Bill Nace turn their Body/Head project into a physical record and the concerns in our minds fire off over the possibility of comparative backlash rampant through buzz-heavy thinkpieces.

Still two months out from the Markers' full length return, Surrender To The Fantasy, the suspicion of overlap is lessened after hearing “Ice Skater”. The Body/Head argument of who'll make the better noise-driven, poetry over guitar feedback record seems frivolous if it's possible Magik Markers are tapering off the scuzz in their old age for dreamier pastures. What's to be interpreted from “Ice Skater”? Is it a 7″ because it did not work within the conceit of the full length? Is it meant as an introduction to a different Magik Markers than we might expect? The sample of “Machines” on the Drag City pre-order page suggest the Markers will still skronk out in frenzied free-for-alls. The anticipation leading towards the November full length just got more intriguing.

Magik Markers' Ice Skater 7″ is out September 17 on Drag City. The Surrender To The Fantasy LP is out November 19.