
An excerpt from Side A of the Son Of Dad CS

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Son Of Dad

As a member of Real Estate, Jackson Pollis is known as being mellow or possibly mellow ultra, if I may use beer taxonomy as a means to describe bands. Often musicians, when left to their devices, tend to collect devices outside the expectations of the band's formula. Pollis' solo material as Son Of Dad is his escape from the campfire jam vibes of Real Estate for a visceral exploration of ambient blended with the heavy mental of krautrock drone.

Below we have an excerpt from Side A of the recently released Son Of Dad cassette. It begins rather harmless, a piano tape loop and the spritual Om, but the mantra slowly trickles into a manipulated blip that alters the meditative process of the composition. Son Of Dad is cued in on the mysticism of meditative sounds, but its filtered through a claustrophobia of towering city structures and the ever-present hum of machines. The 13-minute excerpt transitions from a human and organic presence into a space that's purely digital and no longer requires us to sustain tranquility, all registers normal.

Son Of Dad's self-titled casette is out now on New Camp.