
Asher Roth eats Blended Babies beats

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Asher Roth

Ever since Pulled Over by The Cops dropped the Blended Babies produced “Authority,” the Chicago production duo's moniker has been popping up. The latest installment in dope sounds from Blended Babies comes in the form of two new Asher Roth joints, one of which is a two minute black out verse.

Asher is doing his Eminem circa '98 flow on “More Cowbell” as he compares his style of speak to “be like I mixed roofies with Kool Keith.” While the use of the “more cowbell” SNL sound byte is still played out, Asher's verse overcomes its inclusion as he brings “Prometheus heat” with bars like “so bark bark and other sub par spitting / yeah my time is limited and I refuse to waste a minute / so finish / bust an ass Snuffleupagus / in a cab huffing grass / fuck it, I'll puff and pass / 'nuff of that / autograph sufferin' succotash / sup with ash? / yo, what happened / I heard that motherfucker cracked.” The second track is “Back Home,” which features Whatzisface and Chip Tha Ripper accompanying Ash in appreciation for their respective home bases.

No word as to where “More Cowbell” and “Back Home” will end up, hopefully an EP produced entirely by Blended Babies, so enjoy these loosies.

Asher Roth, “More Cowbell”

Asher Roth, “Back Home” (feat. Whatzisface & Chip Tha Ripper)