
Bitches, “Not Old”

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When Palmist released a split 7″ between Omaha scuzzgaze band Yuppies and London punk group Bitches, it was like the label was consciously putting together two things we hate in order to really labor for our enjoyment. Yuppies have since put out a great new album, and Bitches are well on their way to following suit, making 2013 the year of conversional nouns. Try as we may to disguise our distaste, we've been known to indulge in bands with shittier names, so let's all just move past it and get to the music. Depending on how you look at it, Bitches' debut track from their upcoming self-titled, self-released record could be bedroom punk or power duo garage. With Stacey Owen's light-lilted vocals and flippant drums that don't demand too much, we hear more of the bedroom punk within them, but there are the tight endings and shiny overdubs that speak to more determined fare. Either way, you may be able to get the two in bed with you, but they aren't the kind to be serving you breakfast in bed.

Bitches' self-titled debut will release through their Bandcamp on October 28.