
Blanche Blanche Blanche, “I Just Wanna Know”

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blanche blanche blanche

Non-traditional musicians Sarah Smith and Zach Phillips have always done new and interesting things with their project Blanche Blanche Blanche, but this time around they're taking on a more familiar path. Using the standard practice of demoing songs, then rehearsing them, then recording them in a studio with a full band, the latest Blanche Blanche Blanche track to come down the airwaves sounds like marked hi-fi garage fair, utilizing all of the pop tendencies that make these fastburners so great and likable. Though the song might feel different for a band who dabbles in the avant like BBB does, when taken on its own, it is frenetic, energetic, and wonderful.

Stream “I Just Wanna Know” below, then head to Wharf Cat Records for a preorder of the full-length, Breaking Mirrors, out on November 15. Peep below the embed for some thoughts from Phillips on the record and its new angle.

“the band seems to have taken advantage of the high fidelity recording environment to invite more elements of noise, chance and chaos into their environment. Lyrically, the record takes up the theme of negotiating an increasingly overfed and spiritually bankrupt symbolic economy, hitting on the marketing of an aesthetics of dissent (“That’s The Ad,” “Fisted”), the monstrous progeny of entertainment culture (“Grey Pet,” “TED Talks”) and pleas for another kind of experience (“I Just Wanna Know,” “Arrive Alive”). “