
Bushwalking, “No Enter”

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“No Enter,” the title track from the forthcoming sophomore album of Melbourne/Sydney trio Bushwalking, shrouds a deceptively subtle post-punk groove behind steadily swelling, noisy, and noodley guitars. Meanwhile, Ela Stiles of Songs and Nisa Venerosa of Fabulous Diamonds take complex harmonies to the roof, holding back despair by just an arm’s length: “Who should I trust here?” They ask. Venerosa's drumming stays textured through thirty years of various snare drum effects even as Karl Scullin's monster guitar chords Shields the mix. When was the last time you thought about Fujiya & Miyagi? Because I thought about the groove from their one song you don’t know you remember. “No Enter,” cuts a hard-edged case for the same kind of addictive, cyclical bassline F&M employed on that single. (Bush-walking vs. “Ankle Injuries”? The corollary is there!) But instead of synth peels and mantic-“by Mennen”-style branding, Bushwalking speaks from the heart.

And once again: that’s Bushwalking. Not Bushwick.