
Debacle Records announces lineup for Debacle Fest 2012

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Debacle Records' Debacle Fest has been going for five years now, filling a few DIY venues in Seattle with lots of weird noise. Last year they recorded all the performances and made a really valuable online video archive for the rest of us to enjoy, so it's wonderful to hope that they will do this again with this year's star line up. One of the biggest names is Mark McGuire, of Emeralds, who moved to Portland from Cleveland and has been making really pretty solo works with vocals that are more melodic and based in a typical song-structure, without losing all the greatness of watching him squeal up and down the fretboard. In addition, we have Rene Hell, who's discography ranges all over the map, from collaborations with Not Not Fun's Cuticle to putting out tapes on Night-People. His last record, on Type, was called Terminal Symphony. I could go through everyone on the lineup and tell you what to check out about them – other names like Matt Carlson, Pulse Emitter, Hive, Brain Fruit, and Crystal Hell Pool are places you should point your immediate attention – but the point is that this is going to be a really wonderful time.

Here's the poster.

Here's some Matt Carlson music off of his NNA Tapes release.

Here's Mark McGuire's “Alma” off of his Editions Mego release from last year called Get Lost.