This edition of Friday Night is doubling as an Approved Theft of two hours worth of sound.
Operating as the duo of Dana Allen Young and Stephola, his lovely co-vocalist, dancer and keyboardist, Testicular Manslaughter was conceived after Young toured the U.S. as a member of Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti. With months on the road in the company of John Maus, Gary War, and opening a show for Animal Collective, it's easy to see where this came from.
Testicular Manslaughter approved the theft of two LPs: Thorazine Punk and Drive and Fixx. Most of this music has been available since March, but we are guessing these albums will be as enlightening as that first sip of Absinthe. You know, the one that grips your esophagus and triggers tiny sparks in your brain matter.
Testicular Manslaughter is not just a band, it's a DJ. Select the “Mix Up by Dana” to hear 25 minutes of DJ Dana's mixing skills.