
Hello Shark, “Fishing For Bats”

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The loveliness of Hello Shark is hard to capture in words. Lincoln Halloran’s Philadelphia via Vermont project has been consistently releasing some of the most heart-wrenching pop tunes since 2006. But it was 2011’s Break Arms that proved Halloran to be one of the most eloquent songwriters around. Each track on the devastatingly intimate record contains the power to completely destroy  through simple sincerity. “I don’t know why The Rolling Stones put me down,” he sings on “The Rolling Stones“. “And you don’t know how bad I wish that you were around.” 2013’s HS is equally good.

Today, Hello Shark is releasing a song that hopefully hints at a larger future release. “Fishing For Bats” is unlike the songs on Break Arms and HS, but Halloran’s candid narrative once again shines. This time, the story is of a long lost lover, beautifully composed through careful images. “Too much wine lost track of time and threw things out the window,” Halloran sings. “Woke up with wine all over me / Bled through my floral sheets.” Another particularly hard-hitting line reveals the impact of the relationship:  “You are my only regret / I’m just still trying to hide it.” “Fishing For Bats” was recorded by Keith Hampson (Power Animal) and Michael Rheinheimer (Attic Abasement) and features vocals by Free Cake For Every Creature‘s Katie Bennett.

Stream “Fishing For Bats” below:

Check out Hello Shark’s previous releases on bandcamp.