
John Andrews and The Yawns, “Pennsylvania”

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John Andrews is the drummer in Quilt, the keyboardist in Woods, and a visual artist who formerly made music under the moniker Wisdom Tooth. Now, Andrews is channeling his weird and wonderful imagination into a new solo project, joined by an imaginary backing band called The Yawns. Bit By The Fang is the project’s debut, out in April on Woodsist. The lead single, titled “Pennsylvania,” is a psychedelic blues song with a comforting acoustic guitar, fluttering strings and an impressive piano line. His emphatic vocal performance is mastered with a degradative technique that only emphasizes his already crooning falsetto. Three minutes in, “Pennsylvania” slows down to a quiet hum, then picks back up with the triumphant, catchy chorus about John Andrews’ relationship with that part of the Northeast. Check it out below.