
Stream More Eaze’s fine. cassette

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More Eaze’s fine. is a journey in which the road less traveled is actually the route to another planet. The project of recent Austin transplant, via Los Angeles, Marcus Maurice Rubio begins by abducting you into a dream of tangerines and then dropping you off at the Newport Folk Festival.

Mostly instrumental, the album is comprised of seven tracks with the first five forming a suite. An organ drones with only marginal variation over the opening track, an 11 and a half minute saga that ends suddenly like ambient twin to The Beatles’ “I Want You (She’s So Heavy)”. The next four parts of the suite incorporate synth tremors and odd time signatures, but the true experimentation is owed to the presence of Southern twang through banjo, fiddle and pedal steel guitar.

The eponymous suite gives way to the last two songs, both of which are close to 10 minutes long and are amusingly titled “sure” and “ok.” Here, Rubio oscillates back and forth between freaky folk noodlings and electronic sounds.

fine. straddles genre lines,” Rubio’s BandCamp description reads without a tinge of overstatement. The album balances 70s space rock and folk on a high wire act that is nothing but dangerous and pays off richly.

More Eaze’s fine. is available now on Full Spectrum.