
Nocando, “All Over A Bitch”

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The knee-jerk temptation is to back away from Nocando's “All Over A Bitch”, to say naw-naw I don't endorse the message like you might do when a comedian says some shit that hits too close to home while you're out on a date with your lady. To do so though, only strengthens Nocando's mantra which will undoubtedly ring around in your skull until a small part of your manhood dies inside.

“All Over A Bitch” is chauvanistic, sure. It's impervious to reasoning, and somehow warranted in all of its bullet pointed acts of bitchery. If Nocando was willing to sacrifice cleverness and dumb it down another 10 degrees, he'd be sitting on Chief Keef money. I can't believe I'm saying this but… smart-dumb rap? Is this what Ghostface was once referring to?

But being the loud mouth, Project Blowedian alum, former battle rapper that he is, crafting “smart-dumb rap” is the whole idea. He's toying with the Keef-chant format, a style he's been honing since his Bomb Zombies project, and daring you to take his ignorant shit bait.