
One Hitter Wonders: A Collection of Song Poems

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One Hitter Wonders

There's a lot of different ways you can go about writing a song. Mailing an envelope with $7 and your own poetry to a small cassette label in Baltimore, Maryland for some musicians you don't know to finish the job is generally not one of them. In the '50s, this was the kind of offer you would find in the classified ads of your comic book. But what if you could do it now, with respected modern musicians?

Culture Dealer, the label run by Mike Collins (Run DMT), has made this a reality. They began accepting submissions for the first installment of their song poems project last year. The result is One Hitter Wonders, a c40 cassette compilation that is the ninth release in the label's catalog, joining tapes by Run DMT, Ohbliv, Ferrari Jackson, Do While, Cache, and more.

“This is a greatest “hits” compilation of songs that were written by purchasers of the song poem “send us your hit song” series. Amazing jams contextualized by wonderful musicians far and wide and written by some of you beautiful dreamers out there.”

Allow Tommy and Jenny to tell you more.

One Hitter Wonders is available right here.