
Premiere: The Kevin Costner Suicide Pact, “Deadlegs”

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If they would ever go on tour, The Kevin Costner Suicide Pact could show you something. The band's live show features four folks melding minds through cables, buttons, and guitars to a backdrop of astounding trick-projection techniques. The optic thing has always been an element of the drone collective's work, and with their latest record, Standstill and the various parts and pieces of the thing (a stunning album release show, the gorgeous clear-vinyl release, Rachel Evans' wonderful video for “After the Trade,” and now this), the KCSP is really pushing stimulate-all-senses types of experiences, capitalizing especially on sight. I can't exactly say what their show smells like, but I'm pretty sure it's good. The point is that when it comes to the KCSP, it's nice to have something to look at while listening.`

Oddly enough, this video, created by band-member Tyler Pelo, seems more like it's watching you as “Deadlegs” gently drifts by. The opening split-seconds of the track whooshes into something that's bound to be a journey somewhere, and in slow motion no doubt. Seconds later, the mode of transport is revealed with the introduction of our jolly guide, the Zany Bow-Tied Train Man. He's excited, and for good reason. He knows where you're going: deep into the depths of this track's beautiful layers to catch that looping melody getting warped into oblivion.

The track is found safely nestled within the ambient folds of Standstill, which was released this past March via Morning Pony Recorder.