
The Pinkerton Raid, “Ghost in My Bed”

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While Durham, North Carolina’s indie/rock collective The Pinkerton Raid – comprised of Jesse James DeConto, Katie DeConto, Steven DeConto, Eric Johnson, Caroline Schuman, Jon Depue, Michael Depue, Tony Sali, and Scott McFarlane – is hard at work on their next record release (Tolerance Ends, Love Begins due out in early 2017), we’ve got the premiere of their latest track, “Ghost in My Bed”.

Slightly less creepy than the title would suggest – and far less Halloween-worthy – the song travels through a glowing blend of exquisite instrumentals, with the initial feeling that you just might be floating on clouds. The vocals come in strong and discerning in nature, rattling off lyrics like “her eyes look deep into my soul… what she wants, only she knows” and discussing apparitions. When the track slows down, the sentiment behind it catches up with you, the emotion pulling you from your seat as you sway your hips until the track fades out.

Tolerance Ends, Love Begins is due out February 7th, 2017. It is available for preorder now. Keep up with the band here.