

Best and worst book trailers

Melville House sponsored The Moby Awards, given to the best and worst book trailers of the past year. Big winner: Gary Shteyngart. Big Loser: Jonathan

BEA Book Sausage & Bat Segundo

Book Expo America has been going on all last week at the Javits Center somewhere in NYC. There are booths, more booths, more expensive booths.

What to read (right now) XVII

Two things to look at today, both of them featuring Richard Chiem: The first is his intriguing multi-media poetry book composed with Anna C. over

How addicted to drugs is Tao Lin?

Describing Tao Lin's actions as 'news' or as 'noteworthy' is always a nebulous task. But most recently he has taken to the Tumblr-Vimeo waves and

Tim Kinsella's book

Tim Kinsella of Cap'n Jazz and Joan of Arc will be releasing a book this fall, on super-awesome press Featherproof Books. Called The Karaoke Singer's

Gigantic Launch / Flyer-Skyler Balbus

GIGANTIC launch party

The peoples of Gigantic Mag are having a launch party for their third issue, “Gigantic Indoors.” Slated participants include: Joshua Cohen, Lauren Spohrer, John Dermot

What to read (right now) XVI

It's short story month (#SSM2011), declared by someone. If it's Matt Bell that has declared it, then that's fine, but if he didn't, he's doing