

What to read (right now) VI

Took a week off, no I'm not at SXSW but at Couch by CouchWest. Anyway, uncovered these stories… “Jackie Warner, David Lynch & Me: A

On speed dating at the library

Couldn't get enough of this NY Times trend story on speed dating at libraries. First, it has to be noted, that there's a “certain” person

titanic sinking

What to read (right now) V

What will you do when your pirate ship crashes and all you can think of is the Titanic? Perhaps read “Notes on the Notebook of

The B.S. Anthology

This is so last week, but the ever so great NY Tyrant Giancarlo DiTrapano breaks down what's wrong with anything called “The Best Of,” especially

What to read right now IV

Banana asphyxiation, the Cat-Dog the exterminator can't contain, and a lonely place called Defeated. “Objects in the Gas” by Lara S. Williams @ Neon Magazine