

miles klee drinks four loko

Get an agent through dumb luck

The Awl ran a piece last week about five different writers and their agents. Some wrote B.S., others had nice friends, others were at readings.

patti smith the writer

Patti Smith wins a book award

Last night I was following some NBA games, but there was also the more scholarly, less prestigious NBA going on as well–the National Book Awards.

ShatnerQuake Bizarro

Thought these 12 bizarro lit covers were good, including the one below for ShatnerQuake by Jeff Burk. Bizarro lit is described as: “Drawing on elements

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Cash Money to publish books

Big-time rap label Cash Money is introducing Cash Money Content–yes, a book publishing company. When Lil Wayne gets out today his jail time tales now

NaNoWriMo is actually ORPTTPHEWI

Besides the days getting colder, the darkness beginning early and the increase in general bitterness, November also has a horrible acronym among writers called —